Dare2B "Thank you!" Giveaway

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Join My Team ~ NYC Bigs Race for the Kids ~ Saturday, Sept. 26, 2009

"Charity begins at home but should not end there" ~ Thomas Fuller (Historian)

Visit ~ http://tinyurl.com/RoxiesBBBSRace4Kids and sign up to join "RoxiesDare2B" team or make a donation.

~ Volunteer ~ Sponsor ~ Donate ~ Spread the Word ~

Hello my lovelies,

Here's another opportunity for all of us to get together and serve a great cause that'll benefit children.

I just recently decided to participate in the 5th Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City RBC Race for the Kids on September 26, 2009. Why don't you join my team, the more people the merrier, and the better for Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City. We need people like you on my team.

Participating in an event that raises money for Race for the Kids I know touches your life in some way. Think about the ways that mentoring, community service and volunteerism has impacted those around you. The money we raise will go to Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City. We need your support, so please do anything you can, join my team, register as an individual or make a donation on my behalf.

Thank you so much for all of your support and we look forward to seeing you at Race for the Kids!

Don't forget to join our Dare2B community page on Facebook by clicking on "LIKE"

Go ahead! Dare 2 B *Selfless *Caring *Inspirational
Biggest Hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Roxie,

    If I am in New York that week, I will certainly join the walk. I am so happy that Peru was such a good experience for you.
